Handbook and Agreement for Volunteers and Casual Staff

Under the WHS (Work Health and Safety) regulations all staff/volunteers need to receive training in their job functions regarding WHS implications of their activities.
All volunteers and casual employees need to provide the Club with basic personal details and they need to agree that they have understood and agree to our WHS requirements. This is contained in the Volunteer/Casual Employee Agreement Form
All volunteers will also receive the  Goulburn Club Staff Handbook  This is primarily useful for bar-workers, but also contains general information for all other volunteers. It contains details of the  operating procedures of tasks that volunteers and other workers may need to perform, as well as guidance on how to do this safely. Specific WHS training will be provided for a number of tasks. 

Building Emergency Procedures

Everyone also needs to be familiar with the Building Emergency Evacuation Procedures
The Policy that applies to this is WHS007 Emergency Evacuation

The Goulburn Club maintains it WHS system through HIISafe. (Hospitality Industry Insurance )

First Aid Trained Volunteers are:

Risk Management